Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Top 10 tips for a Healthy Liver

I'm turning 26 soon and the best gift I can give myself is a healthy body. I know I haven't been taking care of myself as much as I should and I'm sure my liver has probably endured the most damage. So that's where I'll start!

Top food choices: artichokes, spinach, mustard greens, broccoli, cauliflower, tomatoes, black beans, swiss chard, romaine lettuce, salmon, halibut, shrimp, cabbage, asparagus, collard greens, turnip greens, mustard greens, tuna, brussels sprouts, cinnamon, kale, onions, garlic, eggs, lentils, kale

1. Avoid any foods of which you suspect you may be intolerant:
They will produce toxins in the gut that can cause stress to the detoxification mechanisms

2. Consume plenty of foods containing:
Folate, flavonoids, magnesium, iron, sulphate, selenium and B-vitamins (2,3,6 & 12).

3. Cut down on stimulants:such as tea and coffee, and depressants such as smoking & alcohol. Aim at drinking at least 2.5 litres of water a day.

4. Eat foods rich in antioxidants:
Which aid the natural detox mechanisms.

5. Take a daily does of Echinacea , Milk Thistle or Dandelion Root:
(as tablets, tincture or teas) They are blood cleansers and skin tonics. (The usual recommended dose for milk thistle is 350mg three times a day for a couple of weeks.)

6. Don’t use antibiotics or antacids unless absolutely necessary:
Antibiotics can destroy the useful bacteria in the gut that eliminate toxins; antacids decrease the natural acidity that is necessary for complete digestion.

7. Take a dose of activated charcoal twice a week:
This is a medical form of charcoal with the capacity to absorb whatever molecules it encounters, including toxins. (Don’t take it with food or medicines though, or it will absorb them.)

8. Do some gentle exercise:
It increases lymph acitivity within the body, causing you to sweat and generate more urine, encouraging liver activity and stimulating the gut to get rid of waste products, all of which can help to detoxify your body.

9. Avoid excess of salt & sugar:
Instead, use fresh herbs, pepper, chillies and lemon juice to enhance the flavour of food.

10. Laugh, Rest and feel good!
A depressed mind can cause a depressed body. Laughter actually increases production of an antibody that is responsible for our first line of defense against bacterial infections.

Laughter, lovemaking and exercise are the best medicine of all!


1 comment:

Varun said...

Very nice!! Thanks and keep sharing with us. If facing any liver-related issue then must visit the leading Liver Hospital in Punjab, Girn Hospital.

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