Monday, February 8, 2010

A YUMMY way to use those left over Cocktail Shrimp!

We LOVE coctail shrimp at our house and whenever we have people over (eg. Superbowl), we buy the BIG platter. That usually means we have a LOT of shrimp left afterwards (especially since we only had 2 people over)! I'm definitely not complaining since we both love shrimp but coctail sauce does get a lil bit boring after a while. So I thought I'd get creative and see how I can make something a bit different for dinner. Cocktail shrimp is really nothing more than just plain cooked shrimp, which makes them pretty easy to adapt to recipes. Looking around my pantry and fridge, I found some mushrooms (always have these!), red onion, Alfredo sauce and of course, lots of different pasta, so Shrimp Alfredo was born! I added the shrimp at the very last minute just to heat through so that they wouldn't get over-cooked and rubbery. It turned out great! I haven't had shrimp pasta in a while and I love the combination of seafood and Alfredo sauce! Greg kinda missed the meat in his dinner but he ate it and didn't complain too much. (I think the rest of the cocktail shrimp is going in the freezer for a while though.)

1 comment:

alexeatsworld said...

leftover shrimp? never with me around! =)

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